Exchange yours now. Convert your leftover current New United States Dollar Coins to cash using our hassle-free online exchange service.
The current American coins have been issued with few design changes since the 1800s and all are exchangeable. There are now many special design coins for Quarters and Dollars.
Do you have New United States Dollar Coins like the ones in the pictures below? Add the amount you want to exchange to your Wallet.
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USA 5 Cent New Coin
New United States Dollar Coins
The current USA 5 Cent coin (nickel) was first issued in 1938 and depicts Jefferson and a building. The coin weighs 5g and has a diameter of 21.2mm and is made of copper nickel.
Exchange Rate: 0.63323
You Receive: £0.03
USA 10 Cent New Coin
New United States Dollar Coins
The current USA 10 Cent (dime) coin was first issued in 1946 and depicts Roosevelt and a flaming torch. The coin weights reduced over time and later coin weigh 2.27g have a diameter of 17.9mm and are made of copper nickel clad copper.
Exchange Rate: 0.63323
You Receive: £0.06
USA Quarter Dollar New Coin
New United States Dollar Coins
The current USA Quarter Dollar coin was first issued in 1932 and depicts Washington and an eagle or from 1999 a state or national park design. The coin weights reduced over time and later coins weigh 5.67g have a diameter of 24.3mm and are made of copper nickel clad copper.
Exchange Rate: 0.63323
You Receive: £0.16
USA Half Dollar New Coin
New United States Dollar Coins
The current USA Half Dollar coin was first issued in 1964 and depicts Kennedy and the eagle seal. The coin weights reduced over time and later coins weigh 11.34g have a diameter of 30.6mm and are made of copper nickel clad copper.
Exchange Rate: 0.63323
You Receive: £0.32
USA 1 Dollar New Coin
New United States Dollar Coins
The current USA Dollar coin was first issued in 1971 and depicts Eisenhower and an eagle or bell. In 1979 a smaller coin was issued depicting Anthony and an eagle and in 2000 a Sacagawea. The coin first coins weighed 24.8g later coins 8.1g have a diameter of 38mm or 8.1g and are made of copper nickel clad copper or brass clad copper.
Exchange Rate: 0.63323
You Receive: £0.63