Exchange yours now. Convert your leftover current NEW Thailand Baht Coins to cash using our hassle-free online exchange service.
The current Thai coins have been issued since 1986 and show the image of the old or new king on the reverse with a temple design on the other side.
Do you have NEW Thailand Baht Coins like the ones in the pictures below? Add the amount you want to exchange to your Wallet.
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Thailand 1 Baht New Coin
NEW Thailand Baht Coins
The current Thai 1 Baht coin was isued from 1986 and depicts a temple and old king or Monogram and new king. The coin measures 20mm in diameter.
Exchange Rate: 0.01238
You Receive: £0.01
Thailand 2 Baht New Coin
NEW Thailand Baht Coins
The current Thai 2 Baht coin was isued from 1986 and depicts a temple and old king or Monogram and new king. The coin measures 22mm in diameter and can brass or silver coloured.
Exchange Rate: 0.01238
You Receive: £0.02
Thailand 5 Baht New Coin
NEW Thailand Baht Coins
The current Thai 5 Baht coin was isued from 1987 and depicts a temple and old king or Monogram and new king. The coin measures 24mm in diameter.
Exchange Rate: 0.01238
You Receive: £0.06
Thailand 10 Baht New Coin
NEW Thailand Baht Coins
The current Thai 10 Baht coin was isued from 1988 and depicts a temple and old king or Monogram and new king. The bi-metal coin measures 26mm in diameter.
Exchange Rate: 0.01238
You Receive: £0.12