Exchange yours now. Convert your leftover current New Swedish Kronor Banknotes to cash using our hassle-free online exchange service.
The current Swedish banknotes are issued by Sveriges Riksbank and date from 2015 and 2016. They depict a noteable Swedish person and a region.
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Swedish 20 Kronor New Note
New Swedish Kronor Banknotes
The current Swedish 20 Kronor note was issued in 2015 and depicts Astrid Lindgren and Smaland. The note measures 120mm x 66mm.
Exchange Rate: 0.06319
You Receive: £1.26
Swedish 50 Kronor New Note
New Swedish Kronor Banknotes
The current Swedish 50 Kronor note was issued in 2015 and depicts Evert Taube and Bohuslan. The note measures 126mm x 66mm.
Exchange Rate: 0.06319
You Receive: £3.16
Swedish 100 Kronor New Note
New Swedish Kronor Banknotes
The current Swedish 100 Kronor note was issued in 2016 and depicts Greta Garbo and Stockholm. The note measures 133mm x 66mm.
Exchange Rate: 0.06319
You Receive: £6.32
Swedish 200 Kronor New Note
New Swedish Kronor Banknotes
The current Swedish 200 Kronor note was issued in 2015 and depicts Ingmar Bergman and Gotland. The note measures 140mm x 66mm.
Exchange Rate: 0.06319
You Receive: £12.64
Swedish 500 Kronor New Note
New Swedish Kronor Banknotes
The current Swedish 500 Kronor note was issued in 2016 and depicts Birgit Nilsson and Skane. The note measures 147mm x 66mm.
Exchange Rate: 0.06319
You Receive: £31.60
Swedish 1000 Kronor New Note
New Swedish Kronor Banknotes
The current Swedish 1000 Kronor note was issued in 2015 and depicts Dag Hammarsskjold and Lappland. The note measures 154mm x 66mm.
Exchange Rate: 0.06319
You Receive: £63.19