Exchange yours now. Convert your leftover current New New Zealand Dollar Banknotes to cash using our hassle-free online exchange service.
The current New Zealand banknotes are printed on polymer and have been issued by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand since 2015. They feature a person on the face and a native bird on the reverse.
Do you have New New Zealand Dollar Banknotes like the ones in the pictures below? Add the amount you want to exchange to your Wallet.
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New Zealand 5 Dollar New Note
New New Zealand Dollar Banknotes
The current New Zealand 5 Dollar polymer note was first issued in 2015 and shows Sir Edmund Hillary and Mount Cook with a yellow eyed penguin (Hoiho) and flora on the reverse. It measures 135mm x 66mm.
Exchange Rate: 0.38624
You Receive: £1.93
New Zealand 10 Dollar New Note
New New Zealand Dollar Banknotes
The current New Zealand 10 Dollar polymer note was first issued in 2015 and shows Kate Sheppard and camellias with river scene and blue ducks on the reverse. It measures 140mm x 68mm.
Exchange Rate: 0.38624
You Receive: £3.86
New Zealand 20 Dollar New Note
New New Zealand Dollar Banknotes
The current New Zealand 20 Dollar polymer note was first issued in 2016 and shows Queen Elizabeth and the Beehive Building with a Karearea falcon and mountain scene on the reverse. It measures 145mm x 70mm.
Exchange Rate: 0.38624
You Receive: £7.72
New Zealand 50 Dollar New Note
New New Zealand Dollar Banknotes
The current New Zealand 50 Dollar polymer note was first issued in 2016 and shows Sir Apirana Ngata and a meeting house with a Kokako bird and forest on the reverse. It measures 150mm x 72mm.
Exchange Rate: 0.38624
You Receive: £19.31
New Zealand 100 Dollar New Note
New New Zealand Dollar Banknotes
The current New Zealand 100 Dollar polymer note was first issued in 2016 and shows Lord Rutherford and the Nobel Prize medal with a mohua bird and forest on the reverse. It measures 155mm x 74mm.
Exchange Rate: 0.38624
You Receive: £38.62