Exchange yours now. Convert your leftover current New Moroccan Dirham Banknotes to cash using our hassle-free online exchange service.
The current Moroccan banknotes are issued by Bank Al-Magrib and date from 2012. They depict the King with a building or scene on the reverse.
Do you have New Moroccan Dirham Banknotes like the ones in the pictures below? Add the amount you want to exchange to your Wallet.
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Moroccan 20 Dirhams New Note
New Moroccan Dirham Banknotes
The current Moroccan 20 Dirhams note was issued in 2013 and depicts the King and a train. The note measures 131mm x 70mm.
Exchange Rate: 0.05561
You Receive: £1.11
Moroccan 50 Dirhams New Note
New Moroccan Dirham Banknotes
The current Moroccan 50 Dirhams note was issued in 2012 and depicts the King and a tree and a bird. The note measures 138mm x 70mm.
Exchange Rate: 0.05561
You Receive: £2.78
Moroccan 100 Dirhams New Note
New Moroccan Dirham Banknotes
The current Moroccan 100 Dirhams note was issued in 2012 and depicts the King and men on camels. The note measures 144mm x 70mm.
Exchange Rate: 0.05561
You Receive: £5.56
Moroccan 200 Dirhams New Note
New Moroccan Dirham Banknotes
The current Moroccan 200 Dirhams note was issued in 2012 and depicts the King and port and building. The note measures 151mm x 70mm.
Exchange Rate: 0.05561
You Receive: £11.12