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The old Latvian banknotes were issued by Latvijas Bankas Naudas Zime and are dated 1993 and later. They depict a noteable Latvian person and on the reverse a historic Ltvian item.
Do you have Old Latvian Lat Banknotes like the ones in the pictures below? Add the amount you want to exchange to your Wallet.
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Latvian 5 Lati Old Note
Old Latvian Lat Banknotes
The old Latvian 5 Lati note was first issued in 1993 and depicts a tree and art. The note measures 130mm x65mm.
Exchange Rate: 0.76580
You Receive: £3.83
Latvian 10 Latu Old Note
Old Latvian Lat Banknotes
The old Latvian 10 Latu note was first issued in 1993 and depicts a river and a broach. The note measures 130mm x65mm.
Exchange Rate: 0.76580
You Receive: £7.66
Latvian 20 Latu Old Note
Old Latvian Lat Banknotes
The old Latvian 20 Latu note was first issued in 1993 and depicts a building and woven cloth. The note measures 130mm x65mm.
Exchange Rate: 0.76580
You Receive: £15.32
Latvian 50 Latu Old Note
Old Latvian Lat Banknotes
The old Latvian 50 Latu note was first issued in 1994 and depicts a ship and crossed keys. The note measures 130mm x65mm.
Exchange Rate: 0.76580
You Receive: £38.29
Latvian 100 Latu Old Note
Old Latvian Lat Banknotes
The old Latvian 100 Latu note was first issued in 1994 and depicts a Krisjanis Barons. The note measures 130mm x65mm.
Exchange Rate: 0.76580
You Receive: £76.58
Latvian 500 Latu Old Note
Old Latvian Lat Banknotes
The old Latvian 500 Latu note was first issued in 1998 and depicts a woman in national costume. The note measures 130mm x65mm.
Exchange Rate: 0.76580
You Receive: £382.90