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The current Jordanian banknotes are issued by the Central Bank of Jordan and are from the 2002 series. They each depict a different Jordanian King and a building..
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Jordanian 1 Dinar New Note
New Jordanian Dinar Banknotes
The current Jordanian 1 Dinar note was issued in 2002 and depicts Shariff Hussein and the Great Aran revolt. The note measures 133mm x 74mm.
Exchange Rate: 0.94895
You Receive: £0.95
Jordanian 5 Dinar New Note
New Jordanian Dinar Banknotes
The current Jordanian 5 Dinars note was issued in 2002 and depicts King Abdullah and a palace. The note measures 137mm x 74mm.
Exchange Rate: 0.94895
You Receive: £4.74
Jordanian 10 Dinar New Note
New Jordanian Dinar Banknotes
The current Jordanian 10 Dinars note was issued in 2002 and depicts King Talal and the Parliament building. The note measures 141mm x 74mm.
Exchange Rate: 0.94895
You Receive: £9.49
Jordanian 20 Dinar New Note
New Jordanian Dinar Banknotes
The current Jordanian 20 Dinars note was issued in 2002 and depicts King Hussein and the Dome of the Rock. The note measures 145mm x 74mm.
Exchange Rate: 0.94895
You Receive: £18.98
Jordanian 50 Dinar New Note
New Jordanian Dinar Banknotes
The current Jordanian 50 Dinars note was issued in 2002 and depicts King Abdullah and a palace. The note measures 149mm x 74mm.
Exchange Rate: 0.94895
You Receive: £47.45