Exchange yours now. Convert your leftover current New Icelandic Kronur Banknotes to cash using our hassle-free online exchange service.
The current Icelandic banknotes were issued by Sedlabanki Islands and issued from 1981 onwards. The notes depict a noteable Icelander along with the value. Please note that note under 500 Kronur have been replaced by coins and are no longer exchangeable.
Do you have New Icelandic Kronur Banknotes like the ones in the pictures below? Add the amount you want to exchange to your Wallet.
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Iceland 500 Kronur New Note
New Icelandic Kronur Banknotes
The current Icelandic 500 Kronur note was first issued in 1981 (Law of 1961) and depicts Jon Sigurdsson at his desk. The note measures 145mm x 70mm.
Exchange Rate: 0.00483
You Receive: £2.42
Iceland 1000 Kronur New Note
New Icelandic Kronur Banknotes
The current Icelandic 1000 Kronur note was first issued in 1981 (Law of 1961) and depicts Bishop Sveinsson and a church. The note measures 150mm x 70mm.
Exchange Rate: 0.00483
You Receive: £4.83
Iceland 2000 Kronur New Note
New Icelandic Kronur Banknotes
The current Icelandic 2000 Kronur note was first issued in 1995 (Law of 1986) and depicts Kjarval and one of his paintings. The note measures 150mm x 70mm.
Exchange Rate: 0.00483
You Receive: £9.66
Iceland 5000 Kronur New Note
New Icelandic Kronur Banknotes
The current Icelandic 5000 Kronur note was first issued in 1981 (Law of 1961) and depicts Jonsdottir and teaching. The note measures 155mm x 70mm.
Exchange Rate: 0.00483
You Receive: £24.15
Iceland 10000 Kronur New Note
New Icelandic Kronur Banknotes
The current Icelandic 10000 Kronur note was first issued in 2001 and depicts Hallgrimsson and a bird. The note measures 162mm x 70mm.
Exchange Rate: 0.00483
You Receive: £48.30