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The old Hungarian banknotes were issued by Magyar Nemzeta Bank and date from 1998 onwards. The notes depict a noteable Hungarian with the value.
Do you have Old Hungarian Forint Banknotes like the ones in the pictures below? Add the amount you want to exchange to your Wallet.
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Hungarian 200 Forint Old Note
Old Hungarian Forint Banknotes
The old Hungary 200 Forint note was issued from 1998 until 2007 and depicts King Robert Karoly and a view. The note measures 154mm x 70mm.
Exchange Rate: 0.00144
You Receive: £0.29
Hungarian 500 Forint Old Note
Old Hungarian Forint Banknotes
The old Hungary 500 Forint note was issued from 1998 and depicts Ferenc Rakoczi II and a building. The note measures 154mm x 70mm.
Exchange Rate: 0.00144
You Receive: £0.72
Hungarian 1000 Forint Old Note
Old Hungarian Forint Banknotes
The old Hungary 1000 Forint note was issued from 1998 and depicts King Matyas Corvinus and a fountain. The note measures 154mm x 70mm.
Exchange Rate: 0.00144
You Receive: £1.44
Hungarian 2000 Forint Old Note
Old Hungarian Forint Banknotes
The old Hungary 2000 Forint note was issued from 1998 and depicts Gabor Bethlen and scientists. The note measures 154mm x 70mm.
Exchange Rate: 0.00144
You Receive: £2.88
Hungarian 5000 Forint Od Note
Old Hungarian Forint Banknotes
The old Hungary 5000 Forint note was issued from 1999 and depicts Count Istvan Szechenyi and a building. The note measures 154mm x 70mm.
Exchange Rate: 0.00144
You Receive: £7.20
Hungarian 10000 Forint Old Note
Old Hungarian Forint Banknotes
The old Hungary 10000 Forint note was issued from 1997 and depicts St Stephen King and a view. The note measures 154mm x 70mm.
Exchange Rate: 0.00144
You Receive: £14.40
Hungarian 20000 Forint Old Note
Old Hungarian Forint Banknotes
The old Hungary 20000 Forint note was issued from 1999 and depicts Deak Ferenc and a building. The note measures 154mm x 70mm.
Exchange Rate: 0.00144
You Receive: £28.80