Exchange yours now. Convert your leftover current Old Croatian Kuna Coins to cash using our hassle-free online exchange service.
The old Croatian coins were issued from 1993 to 2022 and depict flowers on the Lipa coins and wildlife on the Kuna coins. Uniquely the legends are in Croatian for odd numbered years and Latin for the even years. They were replaced at the start of 2023 by the Euro.
Do you have Old Croatian Kuna Coins like the ones in the pictures below? Add the amount you want to exchange to your Wallet.
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Croatian 20 Lipa Old Coin
Old Croatian Kuna Coins
The old Croatian 20 Lipa coin was first issued in 1993 and depicts an olive branch and value. The coin weighs 2.9g has a diamter of 18.5mm and is made of plated steel
Exchange Rate: 0.06044
You Receive: £0.01
Croatian 50 Lipa Old Coin
Old Croatian Kuna Coins
The old Croatian 50 Lipa coin was first issued in 1993 and depicts flowers and value. The coin weighs 3.65g has a diamter of 20.5mm and is made of plated steel
Exchange Rate: 0.06044
You Receive: £0.03
Croatian 1 Kuna Old Coin
Old Croatian Kuna Coins
The old Croatian 1 Kuna coin was first issued in 1993 and depicts a nightingale bird and value. The coin weighs 5g has a diamter of 22.5mm and is made of copper-nickel-zinc
Exchange Rate: 0.06044
You Receive: £0.06
Croatian 2 Kuna Old Coin
Old Croatian Kuna Coins
The old Croatian 2 Kuna coin was first issued in 1993 and depicts a bluefin tuna fish and value. The coin weighs 6.2g has a diamter of 24.5mm and is made of copper-nickel-zinc
Exchange Rate: 0.06044
You Receive: £0.12
Croatian 5 Kuna Old Coin
Old Croatian Kuna Coins
The old Croatian 5 Kuna coin was first issued in 1993 and depicts a bear and value. The coin weighs 7.55g has a diamter of 26.7mm and is made of copper-nickel-zinc
Exchange Rate: 0.06044
You Receive: £0.30