Exchange yours now. Convert your leftover current Old Chinese Yuan Banknotes to cash using our hassle-free online exchange service.
The old Chinese banknotes were issued are dated 1980 and later. They mostly depict different ethinic groups in China on the front and a country scene on the reverse.
Do you have Old Chinese Yuan Banknotes like the ones in the pictures below? Add the amount you want to exchange to your Wallet.
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Chinese 1 Yuan Old Note
Old Chinese Yuan Banknotes
The old Chinese 1 Yuan note was first issued in 1980 and depicts Dong and Yao youths and the Great Wall. This was replaced in 1999 and by a note that depicts Mao Zedong and country scene. This later note has now been replaced by a coin.
Exchange Rate: 0.06551
You Receive: £0.07
Chinese 2 Yuan Old Note
Old Chinese Yuan Banknotes
The old Chinese 2 Yuan note was first issued in 1980 and depicts Uygur and Yi youths and the Pillar of South Heaven in the South China Sea.
Exchange Rate: 0.06551
You Receive: £0.13
Chinese 5 Yuan Old Note
Old Chinese Yuan Banknotes
The old Chinese 5 Yuan note was first issued in 1980 and depicts a Tibetan man and Hui woman and the gorge of the Yangtse.
Exchange Rate: 0.06551
You Receive: £0.33
Chinese 10 Yuan Old Note
Old Chinese Yuan Banknotes
The old Chinese 10 Yuan note was first issued in 1980 and depicts a Han man and Mongolian man and Mount Everest (Qomolangma).
Exchange Rate: 0.06551
You Receive: £0.66
Chinese 50 Yuan Old Note
Old Chinese Yuan Banknotes
The old Chinese 50 Yuan note was first issued in 1980 and depicts an intellectual, a farmer and an industrial worker and a waterfall on the Yellow River.
Exchange Rate: 0.06551
You Receive: £3.28
Chinese 100 Yuan Old Note
Old Chinese Yuan Banknotes
The old Chinese 100 Yuan note was first issued in 1980 and depicts Mao and 3 others and a the Jinggang Mountains.
Exchange Rate: 0.06551
You Receive: £6.55