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The current Canadian coins for values under a dollar are little changed in design since 1937. The dollar coin has reduced in size and all show Canadian wildlife with the Queen (or King) on the reverse.
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Canadian 5 Cent New Coin
New Canadian Dollar Coins
The current Canada 5 Cent coin was first issued in nickel in 1922 and then copper nickel in 1982 and then nickel plated steel in 2000. It has as beaver on a rock design and 21.2mm
Exchange Rate: 0.36157
You Receive: £0.02
Canadian 10 Cent New Coin
New Canadian Dollar Coins
The current Canada 10 Cent coin was first issued in 1937 and depicts the Bluenose sailing ship. It has a diameter of 18mm
Exchange Rate: 0.36157
You Receive: £0.04
Canadian 25 Cent New Coin
New Canadian Dollar Coins
The current Canada 25 Cent coin was first issued in 1937 and depicts a caribou. It has a diameter of 23.8mm
Exchange Rate: 0.36157
You Receive: £0.09
Canadian 50 Cent New Coin
New Canadian Dollar Coins
The current Canada 50 Cent coin was first issued in 1937 and depict the crowned arms with supporters. It has a diameter of 29.7mm
Exchange Rate: 0.36157
You Receive: £0.18
Canadian 1 Dollar New Coin
New Canadian Dollar Coins
The current Canada 1 Dollar coin was first issued in 1935 and depicts a voyageur (Canoe) and there are many special designs. Thishas a diameter of 36mm until 1967 and then 32mm. This was replaced in 1987 with bronze coin depicting the Loon bird. There are many special designs and it weighs 7g and has a diameter of 26.5mm.
Exchange Rate: 0.36157
You Receive: £0.36
Canadian 2 Dollar New Coin
New Canadian Dollar Coins
The current Canada 2 Dollar coin was first issued in 1996 and depicts a polar bear and there are many special designs. It is bi-metallic weights 7.3g and has a diameter of 28mm.
Exchange Rate: 0.36157
You Receive: £0.72