Exchange yours now. Convert your leftover current Old Bulgarian Leva Banknotes to cash using our hassle-free online exchange service.
The old Bulgarian banknotes were issued prior to the currency reform of 1999 where 1000 old Leva = 1 new Lev. In addition the new 1 Lev and 2 Leva note has been replaced by a coin.
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Bulgarian 1 Lev Old Note
Old Bulgarian Leva Banknotes
The old Bulgarian 1 Lev not was first issued in 1999 and depict St John of Rila and a church. This note has been replaced by a coin and measures 122m x 60mm.
Exchange Rate: 0.21168
You Receive: £0.21
Bulgarian 2 Leva Old Note
Old Bulgarian Leva Banknotes
The old Bulgarian 2 Leva note was first issued in 1999 and depicts Hilendarski and a lion. The note measures 116m x 64mm.
Exchange Rate: 0.21168
You Receive: £0.42
Bulgarian 1000 Leva Old Note
Old Bulgarian Leva Banknotes
The old Bulgarian 1000 Leva note was issued in 1994 and depicts Levski. The currency reform of 1999 where 1000 old Leva = 1 new Lev gives this a value of 1 new Lev.
Exchange Rate: 0.00021
You Receive: £0.21
Bulgarian 2000 Leva Old Note
Old Bulgarian Leva Banknotes
The old Bulgarian 2000 Leva note was issued in 1994 and depicts Ficev. The currency reform of 1999 where 1000 old Leva = 1 new Lev gives this a value of 2 new Leva.
Exchange Rate: 0.00021
You Receive: £0.42
Bulgarian 5000 Leva Old Note
Old Bulgarian Leva Banknotes
The old Bulgarian 5000 Leva note was issued in 1996 and depicts Stoyanov. The currency reform of 1999 where 1000 old Leva = 1 new Lev gives this a value of 5 new Leva.
Exchange Rate: 0.00021
You Receive: £1.05
Bulgarian 10000 Leva Old Note
Old Bulgarian Leva Banknotes
The old Bulgarian 10000 Leva note was issued in 1996 and depicts Dimitrov or Beron. The currency reform of 1999 where 1000 old Leva = 1 new Lev gives this a value of 10 new Leva.
Exchange Rate: 0.00021
You Receive: £2.10
Bulgarian 50000 Leva Old Note
Old Bulgarian Leva Banknotes
The old Bulgarian 50000 Leva note was issued in 1997 and depicts St Cyril. The currency reform of 1999 where 1000 old Leva = 1 new Lev gives this a value of 50 new Leva.
Exchange Rate: 0.00021
You Receive: £10.50