Exchange yours now. Convert your leftover current New Bulgarian Leva Coins to cash using our hassle-free online exchange service.
The current Bulgarian coins were first issued following the currency reform of 1999. They depict a horseman with the value on the reverse.
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Bulgarian 10 Stotinki New Coin
New Bulgarian Leva Coins
The current Bulgaria 10 Stotinki coin was first issued in 1999 and depicts the Madara horseman with 10 on the reverse. The coin weighs 3g has a diameter of 18.5mm and is made of copper-nickel-zinc.
Exchange Rate: 0.25401
You Receive: £0.03
Bulgarian 20 Stotinki New Coin
New Bulgarian Leva Coins
The current Bulgaria 20 Stotinki coin was first issued in 1999 and depicts the Madara horseman with 20 on the reverse. The coin weighs 4g has a diameter of 20.5mm and is made of copper-nickel-zinc.
Exchange Rate: 0.25401
You Receive: £0.05
Bulgarian 50 Stotinki New Coin
New Bulgarian Leva Coins
The current Bulgaria 50 Stotinki coin was first issued in 1999 and depicts the Madara horseman with 50 on the reverse. The coin weighs 5g has a diameter of 22.5mm and is made of copper-nickel-zinc. There are commemorative designs which are exchangeable.
Exchange Rate: 0.25401
You Receive: £0.13
Bulgarian 1 Lev New Coin
New Bulgarian Leva Coins
The current Bulgaria 1 Lev coin was first issued in 2002 and depicts St Ivan Rilsky with 1 on the reverse. The coin weighs 7g has a diameter of 24.5mm and is bi-metallic.
Exchange Rate: 0.25401
You Receive: £0.25
Bulgarian 2 Leva New Coin
New Bulgarian Leva Coins
The current Bulgaria 2 Leva coin was first issued in 2015 and depicts Paisius of Hilendar with 2 on the reverse. The coin weighs 9g has a diameter of 26.5mm and is bi-metallic. There are commemorative designs which are exchangeable.
Exchange Rate: 0.25401
You Receive: £0.51